HTTPS pages has internal links to HTTP

A website's secure pages (using HTTPS protocol) contain links that point to non-secure pages (using HTTP protocol). This issue can arise due to various reasons, such as outdated links, incorrect configurations, or mixed content errors.

How to fix?

Fixing this issue typically involves updating the internal links on your HTTPS pages to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Here's a step-by-step guide to fix it:

  1. Identify the HTTP links: Use web development tools or SEO auditing tools like neetoSEOAudit to identify which pages contain internal links pointing to HTTP URLs.

  2. Update internal links: Once you've identified the HTTP links, update them to use HTTPS instead. This includes links within your website's content, navigation menus, footers, and any other internal linking structures.

  3. Check dynamic content: If your website generates links dynamically (e.g., through CMS platforms or databases), ensure that they're also updated to use HTTPS.

  4. Update redirects (if necessary): If you have HTTP to HTTPS redirects in place, ensure that they're correctly configured to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. This prevents visitors from accessing non-secure versions of your pages even if they use old HTTP links.

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