Multiple H1 tags

A webpage contains more than one <h1> HTML tag. It's advised to use heading rank (h1-h6) to convey document structure. The classic HTML4 standard defines there should only be a single H1 tag per page, and this is still generally recommended.

<h1>Premium Tech Gear</h1>

The <h1> tag is typically used to denote the main heading of a webpage, and it carries significant importance for search engines in understanding the structure and hierarchy of the content.

Having multiple <h1> tags on a single webpage can cause confusion for both search engines and users regarding the main topic or theme of the page. It can dilute the significance of each heading and make it challenging for search engines to determine the primary focus of the content.

How to fix?

To fix the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Identify and Review: Analyze the HTML code of the webpage to identify all instances of <h1> tags. Determine which headings should be considered as the main heading and which ones can be adjusted.

  2. Restructure Content: Review the content of the webpage and restructure it if necessary to ensure that there is only one main heading denoted by the <h1> tag. This main heading should accurately represent the primary topic or theme of the page.

  3. Use Subheadings: If there are additional headings that are currently marked as <h1>, consider changing them to lower-level headings such as <h2>, <h3>, etc., depending on the hierarchical structure of the content. Use these subheadings to organize and segment the content into logical sections.

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