Pages with no SSL

Web pages that are served over HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) rather than HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS encrypts the data exchanged between a user's browser and the website, providing security and privacy benefits such as protecting sensitive information from being intercepted by malicious parties.

How to fix?

  1. Install an SSL Certificate: The first step is to obtain and install an SSL certificate for your website. You can typically obtain SSL certificates from certificate authorities or through your web hosting provider. Once installed, your website will be accessible over HTTPS.

  2. Configure Server: After installing the SSL certificate, ensure that your web server is properly configured to support HTTPS. This may involve updating server settings or configurations to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.

  3. Update Internal Links: After enabling HTTPS, update all internal links within your website to use the HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP. This includes updating links within your HTML code, CSS files, JavaScript files, and any other resources referenced on your web pages.

  4. Update External Links: If your website contains links to external resources (e.g., images, scripts, stylesheets) served over HTTP, update these links to use HTTPS if possible. This ensures that all content loaded on your web pages is secured.

  5. Update Content Management System (CMS) Settings: If you're using a CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, check the settings to ensure that the website's base URL is configured to use HTTPS. This helps ensure that internal links and resources are generated with the correct protocol.

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